Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009 found everyone in the Spade household sick with a cold. I got it first but was getting over it by Christmas day. My daughter, Christina, came down with it the day before Christmas but went to work anyway. She spent Christmas day in bed. I cooked a big roast and invited a friend over. We ate the roast and watched movies.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Boomers enjoying the fire

More Christmas party pictures

Texas Boomers Christmas Party con't.

The rig decorating contest was won by our newlyweds, Jim & Judy Sims. I think it was rigged - hee, hee.

Texas Boomers Christmas Party

Christmas party gift exchange pictures. We had lots of fun with a new version of "The Night Before Christmas" read by Madame Boomer. I got a great flamingo nutcracker and a set of 12's in dominoes that I have been wanting.

Texas Boomers Christmas Rally - spaghetti dinner

Madame Boomer cooked a huge pot of spaghetti and everyone else brought food to go with it. Despite an early scare that there wouldn't be enough spaghetti sauce, we had plenty to choose from and lots of other goodies to enjoy.

Texas Boomers Christmas Party

The Texas Boomers Christmas party for 2009 was held at Rayford Crossing RV Resort. It was originally scheduled at Red Oak Ranch but a few of us went there after a rain earlier this year and found it to me a mess of deep ruts in the red clay. I am SO glad we didn't have to spend the weekend in that mess!

Friday, December 4, 2009

SNOW in Houston!!!

It SNOWED in Houston today! Unfortunately at my house it didn't stick on the ground. The picture with Jaymie looking at the snow falling is the most we had. The only place I could really see the snow was on the lounge chair and a little bit on the patio table cover.

Here is where I spent my afternoon - in front of the fireplace in my living room. I was trying to warm up after moving plants in the garage and house, and covering those I couldn't move.

Thanksgiving campout

Good picture of Carolyn & Gail.

There was cake decorating with a rice crispies train. Thanks to Sue & Samantha for bringing all the supplies.

Thanksgiving at Country Place RV Park

The park served turkey and we all brought side dishes. There was lots of good food and we played Bingo after dinner. As usual I didn't win, but I had fun playing.
We had a nice fire going from the time Marvin & Gail arrived until Sunday when they left. The weather cooperated most of the time so we could sit outside and visit. The clubroom was available for anyone who wanted to play games, put puzzles together, check out things on their computer, or just sit and read the newspaper. We had 9 rigs here with the Camping Friends group.

Thanksgiving at Country Place RV Park

The park was beautifully decorated for Christmas. I think this is the third year that the Camping Friends group has come here to celebrate with a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.

Solo Sams Nov. Campout

The Solo Sams (Good Sam Club group) had their November campout at Country Place RV Park. We had 5 rigs and camped next to one of the lakes. We had fun playing games and eating in the game room.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Last day of Boot Camp

Our last day started early again with breakfast (they have great volunteer cooks here). Our next seminar was on RV Tire Safety by Neil Lekander. All the seminar presenters were excellent! They had a "panel of experts" to answer our questions. I have lots of handouts to review! All this technical advice was wonderful but I need to go over what I learned so I can apply the advice and knowledge this Boot Camp provided. More information is available at www.escapees.com and go to "RVers' Boot Camp".

Evening campfire

While we were eating dinner Mark also did double duty as the campfire builder. S'mores were again provided and we all sat around and talked and told jokes.

Dinner with "Chef Mark"

Not only does Mark Nemeth teach us about RVing but he also cooks great hamburgers and hot dogs!